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Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) refers to a class of algorithms used to sample from probability distributions, particularly when direct sampling is challenging. These methods construct a Markov chain whose equilibrium distribution matches the target distribution, allowing for the estimation of properties of the distribution through the chain’s states.

Key Concepts:

  • Markov Chain: A sequence of random variables where each variable depends only on the previous one, exhibiting the Markov property.
  • Monte Carlo Method: A computational technique that relies on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results, often used for estimating integrals and expectations.

Applications of MCMC:

  • Bayesian Inference: MCMC is widely used to estimate posterior distributions in Bayesian statistics, enabling the computation of complex integrals that are otherwise analytically intractable.
  • Statistical Physics: In physics, MCMC methods are employed to simulate systems with numerous degrees of freedom, such as molecular dynamics and lattice field theories.
  • Machine Learning: MCMC techniques are utilized in various machine learning algorithms, including those for parameter estimation and model selection.
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