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In machine learning, an epoch refers to one complete pass through the entire training dataset by the learning algorithm. During each epoch, the model’s parameters are updated based on the data, allowing it to learn and improve. Multiple epochs are typically used to ensure the model converges to an optimal solution.

Key Features:

  • Complete Dataset Pass: An epoch involves the model processing every sample in the training dataset once.
  • Parameter Updates: After each epoch, the model’s parameters are adjusted to minimize the loss function, enhancing its performance.
  • Multiple Epochs: Training usually involves multiple epochs to allow the model to learn effectively and generalize well to new data.

Applications/Use Cases:

  • Model Training: Epochs are fundamental in training neural networks, determining how many times the learning algorithm will work through the entire training dataset.
  • Performance Monitoring: Tracking performance metrics across epochs helps in assessing the model’s learning progress and detecting issues like overfitting.

Understanding the concept of epochs is crucial for effectively training machine learning models and ensuring they achieve optimal performance.

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